Welcome to my WebSite!
I'm a Full Stack Engineer specializing in JavaScript with 4 years 7 months of experience in software development. I also have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I have more than 5 years of experience as an Engineer. Currently located in Spain, Valencia.
Languages I speak:

Spanish: Native

English: C 1 - Advanced

German: A0 - Beginner ( I started studying it and I'm determined to learn it.)
Contact me:
+34 644 608 843
and languages
These are the technologies I know and I work with.
I'm continuously learning though, so I hope there will be more in the future
JavaScript - HTML - CSS
Node.js - Express
4 years 7 months of experience as Software Engineer

Sr. Full Stack developer in Solaris Development, Martico Group
Aug 2023 - Present (1 year 3 months)
Sr developer working mainly in a project based on Vue, Node, Express and MySQL. My responsibilities includes leading the development team, meetings with the client, take part on the decisions about the future of the project, reviewing code of less experienced developers, writing code and deployment.

Full Stack developer in Solaris Development, Martico Group
Aug 2022 - Jul 2023 (1 year)
Contributing to the code of a software based on Vue, Node, Express and MySql, both backwend and frontend. Bugs fixing, old code refactoring, development of new functionalities, testing.

Freelance Full Stack Developer
Mar 2022 - Jul 2022 (5 months)
During this period I waroked in a three programers team in an interesting project for a client. Client was a shoes retailer with three fisical stores in different locations, so he wanted to manage stocks and sales with one system, integrating all the information. I worked developing the Front End in React. I left the project to take my possition in Solaris Development.

Full Stack Developer in Efficatia
Apr 2020 - Feb 2022 (1 year 11 months)
This was my first professional experience in software, contributing to the code of a project based on React.js, Node.js, Express, MySQL. Company main acitivity is agricultural services and the software was designed to recover information about the different labors of the company.

Maintenance Manager Engineer in Siempre Verde S.A.
Jun 2014 - Oct 2019 (5 years 5 months)
I had diferent positions and responsabilities in this company trhow these years. As the details are not relevant for my new ocupation (Software Devloper) I can sum up this experience saying that was incredibly enriching, with sacriifice, mistakes, achievements, and big resposibilities that involved considerable ammounts of money and resources of the company. Here I learned a lot about team working and team leading. (If you want to see more details about these years check out my LinkedIn profile).

Engineering Intern in AB InBev, Quilmes Beer Brewing Company
Feb 2014 - Jun 2014 (5 months)
It was my first professional experience as an Engineer, I was close to finishing my engineering studies and this was my internship.
and degrees
I got a degree in Mechanical Engineering and years later I found a passion in Software development.

Full Stack Developer - Rolling Code School Bootcamp
Feb 2020 - Jun 2020
In this bootcamp I learned the basis of: JavaScript - HTML5 - CSS3 - MongoDB - Express - ReactJS - NodeJS

Mechanical Engineer - National University of Tucumán, Argentina.
Jan 2009 - Dec 2016
I completed a degree of 52 subjects in Mechanical Engineering in the national University of Tucumán.